Thursday, November 1, 2007

so I'm "tagged"...

Ok so I understand I have been tagged....

Well, Jen, Thanks for the tag...however...I will have to get back to you tomorrow.

Man, it has been a long day. The "to-do" list is just never ending. And to top it all off this was officially the first day of the most homework EVER for Tyler. He had one sheet of math, 4 spelling sheets and had to finish a final copy of a report that he is doing at school. He started at 4pm (after getting home from school at 3:40pm), stopped at 4:30pm to work on some hockey practice skills with dad to get ready for his hockey game tomorrow (he is going to play goalie for the first time ever so he needed to get a little practice in for tomorrow). He stopped for dinner and then was off for KidStuf practice at church (a song and dance team that he is in). He was home by 8:20pm and didn't finish up with ALL his homework until 10pm. Holy Cow! I was NOT thinking nice thoughts about his teachers tonight. HA! Bad mom, I know. At least they were just thoughts so Tyler won't go telling his teachers tomorrow. :}

So anyways...thankfully tomorrow is Friday! Yea.


Chelle said...

Even as a former teacher, I have never understand the amount of homework some give out. It's insane! Aside from reading books, I did my best to not ever give homework. But I was cool like that. :)

Jen said...

You know I've totally changed the amount of homework I give my students this year after I talking with you. Kids need time to just be a kid!! Why do teachers give so much homework!!! Anyways good idea keeping your thoughts to yourself!!

Oh and just so you know I am still waiting for you to complete the homework I've assigned you!! Tag, Your it!! Ha

Ames said...

Homework completed !! Now what's my grade? lol

Yea, they should not call it homework, they should call it busy work or let's add stress to the family work (at least at the elem. age).

Jen said...
