Monday, November 12, 2007

Let the Stress Begin

Ok, with our adventure of looking at possibilities for a new home we are now to the point of putting our house back on the market. We have spent the past few weeks looking at what is out there and we have decided that it is time to see if we can sell our house to move on to another. So, for now, the "fun" is over and now begins the "stress".

We had our house on the market about 6 months ago. It was for sale for about 1 year. With the market being overpriced and saturated nothing happened. In the past 6 months we have been working on remodeling some major "dated" parts of our house. It all looks really good, so far, however we still have a few minor things to finish up. Our Realtor thinks that if we can get it on the market by Thanksgiving then our chances of selling sooner are greater. So hence the stress. (In case you are not aware, Thanksgiving is next week! Yea, that's right, 1 week!!) We have been doing most of the work ourselves so that we can save money. But now that we are pushing the clock, I have been busy on the phone trying to get on peoples calendars to give us a hand with finishing up. I am even hiring a friend of ours who owns her own interior decorating service to come over and give me some advice on rearranging and re-decorating. I am actually looking forward to that meeting. :)


Jen said...

Good luck Ames!! I hope this time your house sells and you get into one you guys really like!!

Chelle said...

Hope it all goes well. If it is meant to be, it will be. If not, hey, you have a cool remodeled home anyway! :) Good luck!

Ginger said...

Good luck Amy! You're a brave woman for moving! I tend to like things just the way they are.. which is problemstic since my dream is to live overseas. (sigh)
Keep us posted on how things go!