Sunday, August 5, 2007

The kids got their Wii

With all the family in town and all the b-day celebration going on we decided to give the boys their big b-day gift. Yes, they got their Wii. It was a huge hit! They really had no idea that they were getting one. We kept telling them that they were to not count on getting it because we could not find one. We set the expectation that there was just no way that we could get it. We even took them to a few retail stores (Target, Walmart, etc.) to show them that they literally did not have ANY on the shelves. ......We got them good! :)

I have to say, it is a really fun little toy. I think I might be able to add it to my workout schedule. You can really work up a sweat! lol


Jen said...

That was a lot of fun!! They were shocked!! I still love Tyler's response, "All of my list came true!!" TOO cute!!

Ames said...

Yea, I know I should post about that. it was cute. kids come up with the funniest stuff.

Ginger said...


I was at a party the other evening and one of the things we did was wii bowling. I hadn't played any sort of game or game system in years, so it was pretty comical.

Instead of playing like a normal person, I had all of the characters on the screen named, they all had different occupations, and reasons for me to diabolically destroy them!

Plus, Rich nearly put the remote through the screen in his over enthusiastic bowling flail.

Not sure we'll be invited back anytime soon..