Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fall Soccer Coming to an End

Today was Kyle's last soccer game of the season. I can't believe how time goes by. We had a great season. They came away with a record of 7 wins and only 1 loss. I really enjoyed coaching the team. Actually, I have already signed up to coach again next season in the winter. That will start towards the end of January. I am looking forward to it even more this time because I have decided to switch leagues. We are moving to a more established league that actually has their own fields and is a little more organized. One of the biggest reasons why I am looking forward to it is because we can use the fields for practices too. There are so many soccer leagues and teams out here that it is hard to find nice convenient places and times to practice as a team. Now all I have to do is sign up for a spot on the fields and reserve my place and that is all. The fields are even lighted so we don't have to worry about it getting dark too early (since we never change times here in AZ).

As for me and my soccer games this season...well we are not doing as well as Kyle's team did. In the adult league we play mixed games for the first half of the season and then at the end we play a mini tournament with the other teams in the league. We did fine and actually won all our games in the first half of the season...but...we played our third game of the tournament last night and lost. We have lost 2 and tied 1. Oh well, it is for fun and somehow we got slotted in with some of the competitive teams (we are only a rec. team). We have 2 games left and then we are done until the winter season starts up in Feb. 08.

We have had a lot of fun with soccer this fall but it will be nice to take a break and enjoy the holiday times coming up.


Ginger said...

I still think it is so cool that you still play soccer. I wish that I had joined a sport that I could continue in an adult league. I have taken some continuing education classes - exercise of the brain.(?) That counts, right?

Enjoy your time off.

Ames said...

Yea, I would say continuing ed counts... For me, I would rather run and do physical exercise than do "brain work". Good for you on your classes.