Sunday, May 31, 2009

3v3 Midnight Maddness Under the Stars

Kyle was invited to play in another 3v3 soccer tournament this past weekend. Being that it is SO hot out here already this tournament was an all-nighter. It started at 4pm and ended around midnight. It was a late day/night but it sure beats sitting and playing in 100 degree + heat. Even though the days are hot the nights are still cool and very enjoyable. It was a perfect night for soccer.

Here is Kyle with his team. There are only 5 on the team. Aren't they so cute!
Here is Kyle with one of his team mates, Peter.

Last Day of School and More Awards

Last Thursday was our last day of school. It feels so good to be done and have a nice long break ahead of us.

Not only was it the last day of school it was also award ceremony day for 3rd graders. Kyle received the Principal's List Award again the 4th quarter. He also received recognition for earning Principal's list for all 4 quarters. Principal's List is the award for making straight A's on your report card. Kyle had all A's for the entire year. In fact, out of about 120 third grade students, Kyle was one out of only eleven that made straight A's all year long.
Way to go Kyle! You rock!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Promotion Day and Awards

Today was 5th grade promotion day at school. Tyler will be heading into middle school next year. I can't believe it!

In addition to having the promotion ceremony they also received their quarterly awards. Tyler made honor roll again and, even better, was selected by his teacher for the citizenship award for his class. I am such a proud mom! Growing up my mother would always make such a big deal about citizenship awards and tell me that citizenship awards were always better then any grade you could make. Being a mom myself, I now understand what she was talking about. Being a good citizen can take you much farther in life then any grades can!

Way to go Tyler! I am very proud of you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Another shut out and a new game of 3 v 3 soccer

Tyler recorded his 8th shut out as a hockey goalie this past week. Yeah Tyler! I am so proud of you!


This past week, we have gotten to learn and experience a new kind of soccer play (well new to us, not sure how long it has formally been around). Kyle was asked to join what is called a 3v3 soccer team and has already competed in one tournament. One of his friends that he plays club soccer with decided to form and start a team that can compete together. There was a 3v3 tournament this past weekend and Kyle's team ended up taking 2nd place. Not bad for the first time playing. It was so much fun to watch. It is quick, very fast and usually lots of goals. Kyle had 8 goals in 4 games. Way to go Kyle!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dream becomes reality

Playing Indoor soccer....That's right. I have always wanted to have the opportunity to try and my hand (or feet) again at playing indoor soccer. Well, last Friday I played for the first time after almost 15 years. It was great, a lot of fun and an exhausting workout! Can't wait until our next game. It is the perfect thing to be doing right now out here in hot and sunny AZ.

Made it to the finals again

Our soccer team made the Championship finals game this season. We play for first place this coming Friday evening. We placed 5th (out of 6) at the end of regular season play and somehow made it back to the final game. wow!

Count down

Only 2 and 1/2 weeks until school is out and summer is here. Yeah! Yeah!!

Darn those Wings

Well it is that time of year again...The NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs!

The Red Wings and Ducks are playing a best of 4 out of 7 right now to move on to the western conference finals. The Wings won again tonight to lead the series, 3-2. Come on Ducks...beat those Wings!