Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Big News

We have not shared with anyone, mostly because we never thought it would come to be....

My hubby has been interviewing and we just found out that he will be taking on a new position at work...in Boston, MA. His company is based out of Boston and his new job will require him to work in the northeast. Looks like we will be packing up in the next few weeks. I am not looking forward to the cold weather but I am a girl that likes change so this should be interesting. One of the first thoughts that came to mind was..."well at least there is a lot of hockey up there."


Chelle said...

From AZ to Boston, WOW! Talk about two extremes! Will be praying the move goes smoothly. Enjoy the new adventure! :) Oh yea, congrats to the hubby.

Jen said...

Is this an April Fools joke? My head is spinning!!
