Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back to school after fall break

Yep, that is right, we are back to the grind!

Being on a year round school schedule we get a 2 week fall break. It was a most needed and relaxing time. The first week we spent at home doing absolutely NOTHING! It was great. I actually went a full 2 weeks without filling the car up with gas. That has not happened in a long time.

The second week of break we decided to hit the road and travel to our usual vacation destination...Southern California. This time in CA we headed to Anaheim to see Mickey! Yep, Disneyland! It has been a few years since we were there last so we thought...oh what the heck! :) It was a great time. They have opened a couple new rides since we were there last. The boys have grown since then, too, so we ALL got to enjoy a few rides together as a family. No more height restrictions anymore. Yea!! The one ride with the tallest height restriction is the Maliboomer and I can not remember how many times we rode that thing. Whew! It was fun but there are only so many times that you can be shot straight up in the air.

Here are some pics...

It's Halloween time ALL over at Disneyland!

One of the favorite rides...

Waiting for Autopia.

The boys discovered Pin Trading while we were there. Here is Kyle with his first 2 pins that he traded. He had many more by the time the week was over. I have to admit, it is fun!

The boys in the dog pound.

The boys with one of their favorite characters. (Chip or Dale...not sure which one it is.)

In the "O" of "CALIFORNIA".

On another one of the favorite rides...Big Thunder Mountain Railroad! the back of the train of course!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love how the boys still wear matching shirts! So cute!! I can't believe how big they are getting!! I really notice it in Kyle in these pictures!

I bet Disneyland is fun and pretty during this time of year!! I would love to see all pumpkins and fall colors!!

Glad you guys had a blast!!