Sunday, April 29, 2007

OK Jen...I did it, I did it! Finally a Blogger

Ok Ok I am officially a blogger! Now what? [Frown]

As you can see I am in the process of creating this blog site. Right now it is late as I have spent why too much time just thinking of ALL the blogging names (blog site name, posting name, URL name, etc, etc...whew!) and all the other "stuff" . So, that's all folk...for now. More to come later...


Chelle said...

Thanks for your comments Amy! I love the title and explanation of your blog, it's GOOD! welcome to the world of blogging....

Jen said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY! Can you tell?

When my 2nd graders want to emphasize something the put like a whole row of Os on a word like so! (Or maybe they just want to take up a lot of space so they can get closer to their journal goal!HA!)

I love the names you chose! I can't wait to read more of your blog! I love you tons!!]


Ginger said...

You're done with the hard part, Amy.
Now write away!!!
I am totally stoked about this!
Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!
p.s. Clever name!

Ames said...

Hey. Thanks guys. Yea, this is going to be alot of fun.

Unknown said...

Your sister turned me into a blogger also. It's really nice getting to know Jen's friends and family through their blogs.

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Hey, Ames, good to see you here. I'm so excited to be able to keep up with you and the boys.

A good site to read when starting up is

I wish I'd had it when I started! Of course, that was 3 1/2 years ago, and blogging was very different then!
